Our Lady of Lourdes Primary School, Enfield

1 December 2014






Dear Sister,


I’m writing from a smelly, broken stable.

My duties are to manage all the animals and deliver all the rations.


I’m using horses and carts to transport food and supplies

But unfortunately last night, one of our horses died.

Many horses have been killed; a real tragedy, and very sad to see.

We are running out of supplies.


The war is dreadful.

Dead bodies in the trenches

Burnt bodies buried in buckets of blood.

Ev’ry night, shrill screams of dying soldiers.

Burnt bodies buried in buckets of blood.

Worn by intensity of battle.


With God’s grace, I’ve been spared.

I miss you dearly, and hope you are proud of me.


Your loving brother,


Major Hukum Singh

Commanding Officer of the Jaipur Imperial Service Transport Corps



It gave first hand experience of artefacts and brought the past to life. – Staff at Our Lady of Lourdes School

Literacy and history were used mainly – the Education Zone gave good detail and background information. – Staff at Our Lady of Lourdes School

Children saw a song grow and develop giving an understanding of how music can be put together. – Staff at Our Lady of Lourdes School

They learned history almost from first hand experience. – Staff at Our Lady of Lourdes School

The Costumed Interpreter gave insight into the life of a soldier for them to write their letters and develop their understanding. – Staff at Our Lady of Lourdes School

The project brought the whole school and parents together for the performance which received excellent feedback. – Staff at Our Lady of Lourdes School