Equal Opportunities Statement and Policy Objectives

VERSION: July 2021



This policy is written in accordance with the Equality Act 2010. It is reviewed annually by the General Director and Outreach Manager.


  • The Equality Act cites the following as protected characteristics:
    • Age
    • Disability
    • Gender Reassignment
    • Marriage and Civil Partnership
    • Pregnancy and Maternity
    • Race
    • Religion or Belief
    • Sex
    • Sexual Orientation


  • Harassment is defined as:
    • A person (A) harasses another (B) if –
      1. A engages in unwanted conduct related to a relevant protected characteristic, and
      2. the conduct has the purpose or effect of –
        • violating B’s dignity, or
        • creating an intimidating, hostile, degrading, humiliating or offensive environment for B.
  • A also harasses B if –
    1. A engages in unwanted conduct of a sexual nature, and
    2. the conduct has the purpose or effect referred to in subsection (1)(b).
  • A also harasses B if –
    1. A or another person engages in unwanted conduct of a sexual nature or that is related to gender reassignment or sex,
    2. the conduct has the purpose or effect referred to in subsection (1)(b), and
    3. because of B’s rejection of or submission to the conduct, A treats B less favourably than A would treat B if B had not rejected or submitted to the conduct.
  • In deciding whether conduct has the effect referred to in subsection (1)(b), each of the following must be taken into account—
    1. the perception of B;
    2. the other circumstances of the case;
    3. whether it is reasonable for the conduct to have that effect.


  • Victimisation is defined as:
    • A person (A) victimises another person (B) if A subjects B to a detriment because –
      1. B does a protected act, or
      2. A believes that B has done, or may do, a protected act.
    • Each of the following is a protected act –
      1. bringing proceedings under this Act;
      2. giving evidence or information in connection with proceedings under this Act;
      3. doing any other thing for the purposes of or in connection with this Act;
      4. making an allegation (whether or not express) that A or another person has contravened this Act.
    • Giving false evidence or information, or making a false allegation, is not a protected act if the evidence or information is given, or the allegation is made, in bad faith.
    • This section applies only where the person subjected to a detriment is an individual.
    • The reference to contravening this Act includes a reference to committing a breach of an equality clause or rule.


  • HMDT Music strives to uphold and promote good equal opportunities practices.


  • HMDT Music is committed to oppose all discrimination in its employment of staff and its promotion and provision of services, complying fully with all relevant legislation.


  • Individuals and organisations promoting or providing services for HMDT Music will be selected on the basis of their relative merits and abilities.


  • Employees and voluntary working of HMDT Music are provided with this policy when their employment starts, and it is readily available to all staff on a shared company drive.


  • The General Director and Outreach Manager are trained in Equality and Diversity and provides training to all employees.


  • Equality is monitored throughout the organisation through surveys, the students attending our Saturday Programme, and through application forms for new students or employees.


  • It is the duty of all employees and voluntary workers of HMDT Music to accept personal responsibility for the practical application of the policy, although the Board acknowledges that specific responsibilities fall upon any employee involved in the processes of managing, supervising or selecting personnel.




  • HMDT Music will seek to promote to all members of the community in Hackney a broad and balanced range of opportunities in music education and training developments.


  • HMDT Music will seek to ensure that such opportunities are made as widely accessible as possible and, in particular, are available to those whose access to such opportunities have been/ are limited or denied because of disadvantage or underprivileged.


  • HMDT Music will seek to encourage activities that promote an understanding and appreciation of the value of different musical and cultural traditions.


  • HMDT Music will actively encourage participation in its activities of people from all backgrounds in all of the communities it serves.


  • HMDT Music will seek to foster links with and involve a range of individuals and organisations from different backgrounds in all the communities it works in, to help guide HMDT’s developments.


  • HMDT Music will seek to ensure that all agencies selected to promote or deliver activities on HMDT Music’s behalf, uphold good equal opportunities practices, in line with HMDT’s own equal opportunities policy.


  • HMDT Music will seek to ensure that its employees and voluntary workers carry out their duties within the framework of HMDT Music’s equal opportunities policy.


  • HMDT Music will seek to ensure that none of its employees, voluntary workers, service providers or service users is treated unfairly and that they should have recourse to redress through HMDT Music’s complaints procedure.