Observe the effects of concave mirrors and magnifying lenses to learn about telescopes.
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Gravity and Graphing
How does the sun’s gravity keep the planets in our solar system orbiting the sun? Why is the large planet Uranus not visible? Identify an ellipse and draw a bar chart, whilst understanding how it is the best means of comparing discrete data.
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DOWNLOAD Gravity and Graphing PowerPoint
What are constellations? Build a model of an inclinometer to create your own Astrolabe.
DOWNLOAD Hypatia PowerPoint
DOWNLOAD Making an Astrolabe Worksheet PDF
What are the difficulties of carrying out experiments in space? What effects does weightlessness have on the human body? Use experimental data to spot a pattern and plot a scatter graph to describe its trends.
Download Mae Jemison PowerPoint
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Launching the Shuttle
What are the forces involved in launching and landing a rocket? What is the difference between a shuttle and a rocket?
Download Draw a forces diagram PDF
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