Safeguarding Policy and Procedures

VERSION: May 2024





A) Safeguarding Policy Statement

B) Code of Practice

II. GENERAL PROCEDURES FOR REPORTING CONCERNS AND ENCOURAGING GOOD PRACTICE                                                                               

A) General Procedures for Reporting Concerns

B) Advice to staff on appropriate response to a participant making an allegation of abuse

C) HMDT Music General Guidelines


A) Further Clarifications and Guidelines

B) The Role of HMDT Music

C) The Role of the Tutor

D) Recording Abuse

E) Types of Abuse:

  • Physical
  • Emotional
  • Sexual
  • Neglect

IV. TRAINING                                                                                                                    

V. EMERGENCY CONTACTS                                                                                       

VI. ANTI-BULLYING POLICY                                                                                       

A) Introduction

B) Definition of Bullying

C) Strategies to Prevent or Reduce Bullying

D) Procedures for Reporting, Recording, and Dealing with Bullying

E) Strategies we may emply when investigating a bullying incident

F) Information for Parents/ Carers

G) Information for Young People

H) Useful Contacts                                                                                                                                                

VII. APPENDICES                                                                                                             



A) Mentoring Training

B) Mentoring Confidentiality

C) Mentoring Risk Assessment

  • Precautions

D) GDPR, Data Protection, and Privacy

E) Management Structure

  • Management Structure Chart
  • Management Structure reporting and procedures


A) Guidance – Working With Social Media

B) Guidance – Working With Live Online Sessions

APPENDIX IV. Additional Forms of Abuse

APPENDIX V. Recruitment Practice






This policy is written in accordance with the following acts of parliament:

  • Children Act 1989 and 2004
  • Working Together 2018
  • The Care Act 2014
  • Safeguarding Disabled Children Act 2009

Reviewed annually by CEO and Senior Manager. The next date of review is June 2024.



A) Safeguarding Policy Statement

HMDT Music recognises that it has a responsibility for the safety of young people in its care. It also recognises that good safeguarding policies and procedures are of benefit to everyone involved with its activities, including staff and contracted artists, as they help protect them from erroneous or malicious allegations. For the purpose of this policy, “staff” includes all HMDT Music Staff, contracted artists or engaged tutors who come into contact with children, young people and vulnerable adults (hereafter collectively referred to as “participant(s)”), whether it be instrumental/vocal/musicianship tutors, pastoral staff, administrative staff or senior managers. All staff that have unsupervised access to or contact with young people are required to:

  • recognise and accept their responsibilities;
  • develop awareness of the issues which cause young people harm;
  • report concerns to senior HMDT Music Staff.


HMDT Music will endeavour to safeguard young people by:

  • adopting child protection procedures and a code of practice for all staff;
  • reporting concerns to the authorities;
  • ensuring all staff have been police checked through the Disclosure and Barring Service;
  • ensuring that all staff have read and are willing to implement this policy.


A culture of mutual respect between young people and HMDT Music staff is encouraged, with adults modelling good practice in this context. It is part of the HMDT Music’s responsibility in the duty of care towards young people that anybody who encounters child protection concerns will be supported when they report their concerns in good faith. HMDT Music recognises that the teaching of participants (especially on a one-to-one basis) places huge trust on tutors and requires equal trust from parents and carers. We also recognise that tutors are vulnerable to malicious and erroneous allegations.


This policy is designed to help protect all who teach, learn, administer and manage at HMDT Music, and is reviewed annually. For the purposes of this policy, staff refers to all staff, facilitators, workshop leaders, artists, tutor etc who are employed by HMDT Music whether in a full, part-time or free-lance capacity and volunteers, to work with young people.



B) Code of practice

  1. It is important not to have unnecessary physical contact with participants, and contact should be avoided except when engaged in the teaching of vocal/instrumental technique or other activities which require contact for artistic purposes. Technique will normally be taught by explanation and by the tutor modelling good practice. Where explanation and modelling requires additional demonstration, or when a technical remedy has proved fruitless, a tutor’s professional judgement may be that physical contact is required. Typical examples may be related to the position of a bowing arm, or the correction of wrist or finger positions on the participant’s instrument. In such circumstances the following procedures must apply:
    a) that the permission of the participant has been requested and given;
    b) that the demonstration of technique is NECESSARY in order for the participant to achieve the required result.
  2. It is important for all parent/carers to understand that physical contact may be required in the proper training of certain musical or theatrical activities, and that in all cases, artists and staff are required to follow the General Guidelines of Good Practice contained in this Guide to Policy and Procedures.
  3. Lessons missed during HMDT Music activities may not be rearranged at any other time without the written permission of the parent/carer, and without the knowledge of HMDT Music. The same policy must be enacted for tutors who (often voluntarily and in an unpaid capacity) wish to offer participants extra lessons. This applies in particular to rearranged lessons in participants’ or tutor’s homes, but is also relevant if lessons are arranged outside the normal supervised structure.
  4. Participants may not be given lifts in staff cars without written permission from a parent/carer. This means that impromptu lifts (e.g. to avoid the rain, or dropping a child off on the way home are not acceptable). Permission will be requested where, for instance, the participant needs to get to a concert/rehearsal venue early with a member of staff to help set up.
  5. The use of parental video and cameras will no longer be allowed at HMDT Music events without prior consent being obtained. Where HMDT Music for pedagogical or publicity/marketing reasons wishes to record lessons, rehearsals or other events on film/video/dvd, written permission will be required from the parents/carers of each young person involved.
  6. One to one lessons and sessions will be normally taught in rooms that have windows in the doors.
  7. It is expected that staff will not make suggestive or inappropriate remarks to or about a participant , even in fun, as this could be misinterpreted.
  8. It is important not to deter participants from making a disclosure of abuse for fear of not being believed, and to listen to what they have to say. Staff should not attempt to investigate a disclosure that gives rise to a child protection issue, but should report the matter to the HMDT Music office. Staff should never promise a participant complete confidentiality in a child protection issue, but should advise participants that the matter will be referred on to the designated officers for child protection.
  9. Staff should remember that those who abuse young people can be of any age, gender, ethnic background or class, and it is important not to allow personal preconceptions about people to prevent appropriate action taking place.
  10. Good practice includes valuing and respecting young people as individuals, and the adult modelling of appropriate conduct – which will always exclude bullying, shouting, racism, sexism or sectarianism.


The Designated officer for Safeguarding in HMDT Music is HMDT Music Senior Manager. These post holder is currently Gavin Stewart. The designated Safeguarding trustee is Michele Pullan (Chair of trustees).




A) General Procedures for Reporting Concerns

Staff could have their suspicion or concern raised in a number of ways, the most likely of which are:

  • the conduct of a member of HMDT Music staff;
  • a participant “disclosing” abuse;
  1. Physical, 2. Emotional, 3. Sexual, or 4. Neglect
  • bruising or evidence of physical hurt which cannot be explained by the participant in question; which may or may not be accompanied by;
  • unusual behaviour by a participant.


If a member of staff has such concerns they should be reported within twenty-four (24) hours to HMDT Music initially in person or by phone, and followed up in writing (please see “Advice to Staff” section of this policy document). If you are in any doubt as to the immediate safety of any young person, call 999. Delay could prejudice the welfare of a participant. If the concerns relate to the conduct of a member of staff these should be reported by phone to designated officers at the earliest opportunity. The designated officers will consider such a report and either refer this to the authorities or, after taking appropriate advice decide instead not to refer the matter on, but to keep a full written record of the concerns. In either case the member of staff concerned will be invited to a meeting with the designated officers at the first available opportunity, so that they are made aware of the concerns that have been raised, and are further aware of the action to be taken.


If you have concerns about the Designated Safeguarding Lead, please contact the other Designated Safeguarding Lead, who will inform the named Safeguarding trustee, Michele Pullan.



B) Advice to staff on the appropriate response to a young person making an allegation of abuse

  1. Stay calm.
  2. Listen to what is said. Do not put words in the participant’s mouth or cross question the young person. Make no judgements.
  3. Find an appropriate opportunity, as soon as possible, to explain that it is likely that the information will need to be shared with others – do not promise to keep secrets.
  4. Tell the participant that the matter will only be disclosed to those who need to know about it.
  5. Allow the participant to continue at their own pace. Ensure the participant is safe and comfortable.
  6. Ask questions for clarification only, and at all times avoid asking leading questions (that suggest a particular answer).
  7. Reassure the participant that they have done the right thing in telling you.
  8. Tell the participant what you will do next, and with whom the information will be shared.
  9. Record in writing what was said, using the participant’s own words as soon as possible – note the date, time, any names mentioned, to whom the information was given and ensure the record is signed and dated.
  10. Then follow the General Procedure for Reporting Concerns.


It is important to remember that the person who first encounters a case of alleged abuse is not responsible for deciding whether abuse has occurred. That is a task for professional child protection agencies, following a referral from the designated officers of HMDT Music.



C) HMDT Music General Guidelines of Good Practice

1. In planning a project for work involving children, young people and vulnerable adults, HMDT Music artists and staff are responsible for:

  • undertaking a risk assessment and monitoring risk throughout the project;
  • identifying at the outset, the persons with designated protection responsibility;
  • engaging in effective recruitment, including proper DBS procedures and vetting of artists and staff;
  • knowing how to get in touch with local authority Social Services, in case a concern needs to be reported.


2. In a physical environment in which there is contact with children, young people or vulnerable adults, HMDT Music artists and staff are responsible for:

  • ensuring that someone from the school/educational establishment, youth organisation or care setting is present and therefore meeting their responsibility for ensuring the safety of those in the setting;
  • monitoring risks throughout the project.


3. In circumstances in which physical contact is required for the successful outcome of the activity, HMDT Music artists and staff are responsible for:

  • maintaining a safe and appropriate distance from participants;
  • only touching participants if it is absolutely necessary in relation to the particular arts activity;
  • seeking agreement of participants prior to any physical contact;
  • making sure disabled participants are informed of and comfortable with any necessary physical contact.


4. In interpersonal dealings with participants, HMDT Music artists and staff are responsible for:

  • treating all children, young people and vulnerable adults equally, and with respect and dignity;
  • always putting the welfare of each participant first, before achieving goals;
  • building balanced relationships based on mutual trust which empowers children, young people and vulnerable adults to share in the decision-making process for appropriate projects;
  • giving enthusiastic and constructive feedback rather than negative criticism;
  • making the arts fun and enjoyable;
  • promoting equality in accordance with HMDT Music’s Equal Opportunities Policy;
  • being an excellent role model for dealings with other people;
  • recognising that children or young people with disabilities may be even more vulnerable to abuse than other children or young people.


5. As part of its commitment to the proper management of information, HMDT Music is responsible for:

  • having a policy and procedures including media release permission forms without which no images are ever taken, for taking, using and storing photographs or images of children, young people or vulnerable adults;
  • careful monitoring of web-based materials and activities;
  • agreed procedures for reporting any suspicions or allegations of abuse;
  • ensuring confidentiality in order to protect the rights of employees, freelancers and volunteers, including safe handling, storage and disposal of any information provided on artists or arts facilitators (or others involved in projects) as part of the recruitment process. (Data Protection Act 1998 and HMDT Music’s GDPR Policy).


6. As part of its commitment to good practice HMDT is responsible for:

  • keeping up-to-date with health and safety procedures in artistic practice;
  • being informed about legislation and policies for protection of children, young people and vulnerable adults;
  • undertaking relevant development and training where appropriate with artists and staff.




A) Further clarification and Guidelines


What to do if you suspect any abuse:


Act Quickly


In the event of a member of staff suspecting any abuse s/he should share his/her concerns the Senior Manager of HMDT Music (DSO).

(Contact HMDT Music by telephone 020 8882 8825)


HMDT Music will then contact the Social Services Child Protection Unit.


If a participant discloses information relating to abuse to a member of staff s/he must take immediate action.

Under no circumstances must a member of staff withhold any information that has been given which indicates that a participant has or is being abused.


Under no circumstances should any member of staff attempt to deal with a problem relating to child abuse or child protection. These attempts could be extremely damaging to the participant and you are not qualified or authorised to attempt this.


Ensure that any incident is reported and always ensure that you make a written report of everything that has happened.


If you are not sure what to do in any situation you must contact a senior member of staff. If it is not possible to contact the CEO or Senior Manager of HMDT Music immediately, then contact Social Services for help and advice. HMDT Music must be informed as soon as possible.


In order to assist tutors in the event of suspected abuse, the roles of staff are outlined on the following pages. All staff have a duty to ensure the safety of the children in their care and this is why it is very important that all staff understand what to do in a case of suspected child abuse.


If you are in any doubt as to the immediate safety of any young person, call 999.



B) The Role of HMDT Music

  • Contact Social Services Child Protection team and inform line manager immediately.
  • In the case of suspected non-accidental injury the parent/carer should be informed of the decision to refer to Social Services. However, if it is not possible to contact the parent/carer then referral should not be delayed.
  • If the concern is of sexual abuse then Social Services should be informed and the concerns should NOT be discussed with the parent/carer in the first instance.
  • Ensure staff are aware of what to do if a child makes a disclosure (see below).
  • The CEO and Manager should be clear of the above Child Protection procedures and ensure artists and staff understand what to do.



C) The Role of the Tutor/Facilitator/Artist

All staff should be aware of the Child Protection procedures.

  • In the case of suspected non-accidental injury or any other possible forms of abuse talk immediately to the CEO or Senior Manager of HMDT Music.
  • Pay attention to what the participant says has happened. Record this in writing.
  • Ensure you are aware of what to do if a participant makes a disclosure (see below).



 D) Recording Abuse

Any record made must comply with government requirements (DHSS Circular LA 83/14) and the policy of their local authority:

  • Files must be open to parents/carers
  • Third party information is not to be disclosed without consent
  • The education manager may deny access to files for certain proscribed reasons such as in the case of actual, alleged or suspected child abuse
  • Parents may have to make formal requests to see their child’s file


Recording is needed

  • When there is concern over:
    • marks on body
    • unusual/different behaviour
    • mood changes
    • when a child uses language that is indicative of forms of abuse or stories from the child
    • information from others
  • If requested by another agency.


Records can be made by any staff in regular contact with the participant. Please request a child protection pre-former to make a record. This form should be returned to the education manager, who will summarise the information on file and take further action on the matter, if necessary.



 E) Types of Abuse

The following are the various types of abuse that a child or young person can suffer.


1. Physical Abuse

Physical abuse may involve hitting, shaking, throwing, poisoning, burning or scalding, drowning, suffocation or otherwise causing physical harm to a child or young person. Physical harm may also be caused when a parent/carer feigns the symptoms of, or deliberately causes ill health to a child whom they are looking after. The situation is commonly described as factitious illness by proxy or Munchausen’s Syndrome by proxy.


Possible Signs of Physical Abuse

  • Unexplained injuries or burns, particularly if they’re recurrent
  • Refusal to discuss injuries
  • Improbable explanations for injuries
  • Untreated or lingering illness not attended to
  • Admission of punishment which appears excessive
  • Shrinking from physical punishment
  • Fear of returning home or parents being contacted
  • Fear of undressing
  • Fear of medical help
  • Aggression/bullying
  • Over compliant behaviour or a ‘watchful attitude’
  • Running away
  • Significant changes in behaviour without explanation
  • Deterioration in work
  • Unexplained pattern of absences which may serve to hide bruises or other physical injuries


2. Emotional Abuse

Emotional abuse is the persistent emotional ill treatment of a child or young person such as to cause severe and persistent adverse side effects on the child’s emotional development. It may involve conveying to children that they are worthless or unloved or inadequate, or valued only as far as they meet the needs of another person. It may feature age or developmentally inappropriately being imposed on children. It may cause children frequently to feel frightened or in danger or the exploitation or corruption of children. Some level of emotional abuse is involved in all types of ill treatment of a child, though it may occur alone.


Possible signs of emotional abuse

  • Continual self-deprecation
  • Fear of new situations
  • Inappropriate emotional responses to painful situations
  • Self-harm or mutilation
  • Compulsive stealing/scrounging
  • Drug/solvent abuse
  • ‘Neurotic’ behaviour – obsessive rocking, thumb-sucking, and so on
  • Air of detachment – ‘don’t care’ attitude
  • Social isolation – doesn’t join in and has few friends
  • Desperate attention seeking behaviour
  • Eating problems, including overeating and lack of appetite
  • Depression, withdrawal


3. Sexual Abuse

Sexual abuse involves forcing or enticing a child or young person to take part in sexual activities whether or not the child is aware of what is happening. The activities may involve physical contact, including penetrative (e.g. rape or buggery) or non-penetrative acts. They may include non-contact activities such as involving children in looking at or in the production of pornographic material or watching sexual activities, or encouraging children to behave in sexually inappropriate ways.


Possible signs of sexual abuse

  • Bruises, scratches, burns or bite marks on body
  • Scratches, abrasions or persistent infection in the anal or genital regions
  • Pregnancy – particularly in the case of young adolescents who are evasive concerning the identity of the father
  • Sexual awareness inappropriate to the child’s age – shown, for example, in drawings, vocabulary, games, and so on
  • Frequent public masturbation
  • Attempts to teach other children about sexual activity
  • Refusing to stay with certain people or go to certain places
  • Aggressiveness, anger, anxiety, tearfulness
  • Withdrawal from friends


4. Neglect

Neglect is the persistent failure to meet a child’s or young person’s basic physical or psychological needs, likely to result in the serious impairment of the child’s health or development. It may involve a parent/carer failing to provide adequate food, shelter and clothing, failing to protect a child from physical harm or danger, or the failure to ensure access to appropriate medical care or treatment. It may also include neglect of, or unresponsiveness to a child’s basic emotional needs.


Possible signs of Neglect

  • Constant hunger
  • Poor personal hygiene
  • Inappropriate clothing
  • Frequent lateness or non-attendance
  • Untreated medical problems
  • Low self-esteem
  • Poor social relationships
  • Compulsive stealing or scrounging
  • Constant tiredness


Possible signs in older children

  • Promiscuity, prostitution, provocative sexual behaviour
  • Self-injury, self-destructive behaviour, suicide attempts
  • Eating disorders
  • Tiredness, lethargy, listlessness
  • Over-compliant behaviour
  • Sleep disturbances
  • Unexplained gifts of money
  • Depression
  • Changes in behaviour




HMDT Music maintains a strategy to ensure that Safeguarding processes remain robust, and requires staff to remain current with their training and safeguarding. The following training routes are available to all staff:

  • Initial training courses with NSPCC for staff and mentors;
  • Mentor training with Mentoring and Befriending Foundation or NCVO for new mentors;
  • Initial training with HMDT Music for all tutors;
  • Yearly refreshers for all new and existing staff at CPD Meetings with Designated Safeguarding Officer;
  • Biennial refreshers and on going additional training for Designated Officers within the office, provided by London Youth;
  • Ongoing refreshers training from a variety of organisations, including London Youth, for staff requesting additional support;
  • Regular peer sharing discussion and ongoing continued support and communication with the Project Manager and CEO.




In the event that staff need to contact HMDT Music’s Designated Safeguarding Officer:


Gavin Stewart

Senior Manager         

Tel: 020 8882 8825



In the event that staff need to contact the Local Safeguarding Board:

City of London                                                       Enfield

Children’s Services: 020 7332 3621                         Children’s Services: 020 8379 5555

Out of hours number: 020 8356 2710                      Out of hours number: 020 8379 1000

Email:                  Email:



Local Authority Designated Officer:

Andreas Kyriacou

020 8379 2850



Other Emergency Contacts:


Phone number: 0800 1111




Phone number: 0808 800 5000



Child Exploitation and Online Protection (CEOP)





A) Introduction

HMDT Music seeks to establish a positive ethos, which is conducive to learning and in which the individual pupil feels safe and supported. Bullying contravenes the Human Rights Act 1998, is totally at variance with the ethos of the Saturday Programme and will not be tolerated. Should a pupil or pupils be involved in bullying, it will be treated as a serious infringement of policy and dealt with accordingly. This policy is designed to provide a secure and caring environment that promotes effective learning and teaching and ensures that everyone has the best opportunities to develop their full potential.


Bullying: Our Values and Beliefs

All participants and staff have the right to feel happy, safe and included.

Young people and staff have the right to work in an environment without harassment, intimidation or fear.

All bullying, of any sort, is therefore unacceptable.

Young people and parents/carers will be supported when incidents of bullying are reported.

We recognise the effects that bullying can have on young people’s self-respect and on their work and HMDT Music will actively promote an anti-bullying environment for all its projects.


Aims of the Policy:

  • To provide a learning environment free from any threat or fear, where every young person feels welcomed, safe and able to learn;
  • To create an emotionally safe environment, built on mutual respect, where positive relationships can develop;
  • To have a shared and clearly understood definition of bullying behaviour, informed by statutory guidance;
  • Ensure that bullying behaviour is not acceptable in any project and environment;
  • Create an environment where pupils, staff and parents are encouraged to disclose and discuss incidents of bullying behaviour;
  • To respond effectively to all instances of bullying which are reported to us;
  • To reduce and to eradicate, wherever possible, instances in which young people are subject to any form of bullying;
  • To establish a means of detecting, dealing with and preventing bullying, and of providing support to young people who have been bullied;
  • To provide support for young people who are accused of bullying, based on a restorative approach, as they may be experiencing problems of their own;
  • To ensure that all young people , staff, parents and trustees are aware of this policy and their roles and responsibilities in contributing to its success;
  • To meet any legal obligations which rest with the HMDT Music’s projects.



B) Definition of Bullying

Bullying is “deliberately hurtful behaviour, repeated over a period of time, where it is difficult for the victim to defend him or herself.”
(Pastoral Care in Schools; Promoting Positive Behaviour- Department of Education 2001)


“Bullying is the repeated use of power by one or more persons intentionally to hurt, harm or adversely affect the rights and needs of another or others.”
(Northern Ireland Anti-Bullying Forum – NIABF)


Bullying breaches the pupil’s fundamental human right to be safe. ‘Children have the right to be protected from all forms of violence (physical and mental). They must be kept safe from harm and they must be given proper care by those looking after them.’
(Article 19 UN Convention on the Rights of the Child)


“The repeated and intentional use of physical, verbal, electronic, written or psychological acts,” or a combination of these, “by one or more pupils against another pupil or group of pupils with the intention of causing hurt, harm, fear, distress or adversely affecting the rights or needs of that pupil or group of pupils”.
(DENI Consultation, NI schools anti-bullying Bill, November 2015)


Bullying is therefore:

  • Deliberately hurtful
  • Repeated, often over a period of time
  • Difficult for victims to defend themselves against.


It can take many forms but the main types are:

  • Physical – hitting, kicking, taking another’s belongings
  • Verbal – name calling, insulting, making offensive remarks
  • Social/Non-Verbal – excluding, offensive gestures, unpleasant notes
  • Emotional – personal comments, graffiti, making one feel isolated/unhappy
  • Cyber bullying
  • Racist, sectarian, disablist, homophobic, transphobic and LAC bullying (NIABF)


These categories may be interrelated.


Bullying is not the occasional falling out with friends, name calling, arguments or when the occasional trick or joke is played on someone. It is bullying if it is done several times on purpose.


Pupils sometimes fall out or say things because they are upset. When occasional problems of this kind arise it is not classed as bullying. It is an important part of pupils’ development to learn how to deal with friendship breakdowns, the occasional name calling or childish prank. We all have to learn how to deal with these situations and develop the necessary social skills including resilience. This relates to one of the key aims of creating an emotionally safe environment, built on mutual respect, where positive relationships can develop.



C) Strategies to Prevent or Reduce Bullying

We promote positive behaviour in school and endeavour to create an environment where pupils behave well; where pupils take responsibility for their own and each other’s emotional and social well-being; and where they include and support each other.


Our policy is posted on our website and in all our project settings.


Periodically anti-bullying posters will be displayed on noticeboards.


Written guidance for parents/carers on the signs of bullying and what to do if they suspect their child is being bullied at school is available at the end of this document.


We will provide written guidance to all our participants to explain what they should do if they are being bullied, or if they see another pupil being bullied is available at the end of this document.


We will provide a Useful Contacts List for parents/carers and participants and ensure it is updated, when necessary is available at the end of this document.


We will ask young people where and when bullying occurs and we will supervise, and try to eliminate any unsafe areas which they report to us.


We will provide regular training for staff on spotting the signs of bullying and how to respond to it.


We will periodically review our policy, in line with any statutory guidance and local, national and global best practice.



D) Procedures for Reporting, Recording, and Dealing with Bullying

Young people who have been bullied should report this to a parent/carer, a teacher, or a friend.


Young people who see others being bullied should report this to a parent/carer, teacher, or a friend.


Members of staff who receive reports that a young person has been bullied should report this to the Senior Manager.


Reports of bullying will be logged by the Senior Manager. The record should include the following:

WHO              Person(s) involved?

WHAT            What happened?

WHERE          Where did the incident(s) happen?

WHEN            Time, Day, Date?

WHY              Details on relationships, setting, other issues etc?


We will promote the safety and security of the individual young people involved in a bullying incident by following the guidelines below:

  • Providing support to pupils who are bullied;
  • Reassuring them that they do not deserve to be bullied and this is not their fault;
  • Encouraging them to talk about how they feel;
  • Trying to ascertain the extent of the problem;
  • Engaging them in making choices about how the matter may be resolved;
  • Trying to ensure that they feel safe;
  • Discussing strategies for being safe and staying safe;
  • Asking them to report immediately any further incidents to us;
  • Affirming that bullying can be stopped and that our school will persist with intervention until it does;
  • Involving their friends/older pupils in peer support/a buddying scheme/mediation.



E) Strategies we may emply when investigating a bullying incident

  • We will reinforce the message that bullying is not acceptable, and that we expect bullying to stop;
  • We will affirm that it is right for young people to let us know when they are being bullied;
  • We will interview the young person/people involved in bullying separately and ask them to write down their version of events. This will be conducted in a sensitive and supportive way;
  • We will talk to anyone else who may have witnessed the bullying;
  • We will adopt a joint problem solving approach where this is appropriate, and ask the pupils involved to help us find solutions to the problem. This will encourage participantsinvolved to take responsibility for the emotional and social needs of others;
  • We will advise pupils responsible for bullying that we will be checking to ensure that bullying stops;
  • We will ensure that those involved know that we have done so;
  • When bullying occurs, we will contact the parents/carers of those involved at an early stage;
  • We will keep records of incidents that we become aware of and how we responded to them;
  • We will follow up after incidents to check that the bullying has not started again. We will do this within two weeks, and again within the following half term;
  • We will also work with young people who have been involved in bullying others to ascertain the sort of support that they themselves need. This may include the offer of counselling. Our approach to dealing with those involved in bullying will be restorative in nature, to try and minimise the likelihood of such incidents reoccurring.


Measures to be taken:

  • When a claim is made and no blame can be established a record will be kept of those involved for one year. This record will then be destroyed if there has been no further claim.
  • When a claim is made and blame is established, a record will be kept in the pupil’s file. Sanctions may be imposed, depending on the seriousness of the incident. These may include:
    • Supervision during breaks
    • Exclusion from the Programme
    • Repeated bullying may lead to removal from the Programme.
  • Talk to the police where necessary.



F) Information for Parents

Bullying is prevalent in many institutions and our anti-bullying policy is designed to address the problem.

Bullying behaviour includes:

  • name calling and nasty teasing
  • threats and extortion
  • physical violence
  • damage to belongings
  • leaving pupils out of social activities deliberately and frequently
  • spreading malicious rumours


Parents and families have an important part to play in helping schools/institutions deal with bullying.


First, discourage your child from using bullying behaviour at home or elsewhere. Show how to resolve difficult situations without using violence or aggression.


Second, ask to see HMDT Music’s anti-bullying policy. You have a right to know about this policy which is as much for parents as for staff and participants.


Third, watch out for signs that your child is being bullied, or is bullying others. Parents and families are often the first to detect symptoms of bullying, though sometimes tutors may first suspect that a child has been bullied. Common symptoms include headaches, stomach aches, anxiety and irritability. It can be helpful to ask questions about progress and friends at the Programme; how break times and lunchtimes are spent; and whether your child is facing problems or difficulties at the Programme. Don’t dismiss negative signs. Contact the Saturday Programme immediately if you are worried.


If your child has been bullied;

  • talk calmly with your child about it;
  • make a note of what your child says – particularly who was said to be involved; how often the bullying has occurred; where it happened and what has happened;
  • reassure your child that telling you about the bullying was the right thing to do;
  • explain that any further incidents should be reported to a teacher immediately;
  • explain to the teacher the problems your child is experiencing.


If you think your concerns are not being addressed:

  • check the HMDT Music anti-bullying policy to see if agreed procedures are being followed;
  • make an appointment to meet the Senior Manager, keeping a record of the meeting.


If your child is bullying other children:

Many children may be involved in bullying other pupils at some time or other. Often parents are not aware. Children sometimes bully others because:

  • they don’t know it is wrong;
  • they are copying older brothers or sisters or other people in the family they admire;
  • they haven’t learnt other, better ways of mixing with their friends;
  • their friends encourage them to bully;
  • they are going through a difficult time and are acting out aggressive feelings.


To stop your child bullying others:

  • talk to your child, explaining that bullying is unacceptable and makes others unhappy;
  • discourage other members of your family from bullying behaviour or from using aggression or force to get what they want;
  • show your child how to join in with other children without bullying;
  • give your child lots of praise and encouragement when they are co-operative or kind to other people.



G) Information for Pupils

If you are being bullied

  • try to stay calm and look as confident as you can;
  • be firm and clear – look the bully(ies) in the eye and tell them to stop;
  • get away from the situation as quickly as possible;
  • tell your parent/teacher/prefect/friend what has happened straight away;
  • if you are scared to tell an adult by yourself, ask a friend to come with you;
  • keep speaking up until someone listens and does something to stop the bullying;
  • don’t blame yourself for what has happened.


When you are talking to an adult about bullying, be clear about

  • what has happened to you;
  • how often it has happened;
  • who was involved;
  • who saw what was happening;
  • where it happened;
  • what you have done about it already.


If you find it difficult to talk to anyone at school or at home, ring

ChildLine, Freephone 0800 1111,

The phone call is free. It is a confidential helpline.



H) Useful Contacts

The following is a list of support for teachers, parents and pupils:


Childline ( Tel: 0800 1111 (helpline for children)


Anti-bullying Network ( advice for teachers, parents and young people.


Kidscape ( provides advice for teachers, parents and young people.

Tel: 08451 205 204 (helpline for adults only)


NSPCC ( Tel: 0808 800 5000


Centre for Exploitation and Online Protection ( also provides a facility for reporting abuse on the Internet.


Kidsmart ( is a website, dealing with Internet safety programmes.





152 Buckingham Palace Road LONDON, SW1 9TR

Helpline for Parents:

0171 730 3300 [10.00 am – 4.00 pm Monday-Friday]

They provide free leaflets and booklets for parents, children and teenagers about bullying.


National Child Protection Helpline

Freephone: 0800 800 500

A 24-hour helpline for anyone concerned about a child at risk of abuse (including bullying). Children may use this facility themselves.





HMDT Music follows the principles of storing and recording personal information is in line with the Data Protection Act 1998, the Caldicott Principles for health and social care organisations (1997) and guidance from the Information Commissioner’s office (


Personal client information is treated as confidential as compliant with regulations regarding GDPR as outlined in our privacy statement (




For One Spirit and other relevant mentoring programmes


A) Mentoring Training

HMDT Music maintains a strategy to ensure that mentoring processes remain robust, and requires mentors to remain current with their training and safeguarding. The following training routes are available to all Mentors:

  1. Required Safeguarding training with HMYOIs and YOIs – annually;
  2. Initial training with Mentoring and Befriending Foundation or NCVO for new mentors;
  3. Yearly refreshers for all new and existing mentors at CPD Meetings with Designated Safeguarding Officer;
  4. Ongoing refreshers training from a variety of organisations, including London Youth, for Mentors requesting additional support;
  5. Regular peer sharing discussion and ongoing continued support and communication with the Project Manager and CEO.


B) Mentoring Confidentiality

Due to the nature of the work dealing with vulnerable young people both inside prisons and on release, mentors are required to maintain a strict code of confidentiality in order to build trust between themselves and mentees. Mentors are required to keep conversations with, and information about, their mentees in confidence with the following exceptions:


  1. Speaking with the Project Manager or HMDT Music CEO or Senior Manager. A mentor may talk to the relevant line managers at any time about any information or issues brought up in the mentoring sessions. Staff are there to help problem-solve and to assist individuals with the dynamics of the relationship. In addition, HMDT Music has a responsibility to understand the law in their jurisdiction that governs what participant actions or activities they are required to report to legal authorities. There may be instances in which mentors are expected to speak to HMDT Music staff about particular actions and/or statements of their mentees as outlined in this Confidentiality Policy.


  1. Conversations with fellow mentors during staff-run mentor meetings. During mentor meetings, mentors are allowed to discuss their respective mentees so that mentors can receive feedback and suggestions from fellow mentors and staff. However, mentors must maintain a “group confidentiality”— that is, they are not allowed to discuss anything about other mentees to anyone outside of this remit.


  1. Receiving permission from the mentee to contact others about a specific problem. The mentee may give the mentor permission to talk to others about him or her when a situation arises where the mentee is seeking outside assistance or support.


  1. Mentors must report to staff when the mentee:
  •  Reports child or elder abuse, neglect or endangerment by him/herself or others; • Discusses drug use or intended drug use;
  • Indicates a possible violation of the terms of his or her parole or probation;
  • Indicates an intention of hurting him/herself or others, or of putting him/herself in danger;
  • Reports that another person has an intention of hurting him/herself or others, or of putting the mentor in danger;
  • Demonstrates a marked change in functioning (i.e., appears depressed or manic or has noticeable changes in hygiene, sleeping and/or eating).


C) Mentoring Risk Assessment

1. Precautions

Due to the nature of dealing with vulnerable young people, especially for meetings outside the confines of a prison setting, Mentors are required to make a risk assessment before every meeting in a new setting to mitigate and anticipate potential risks and ensure all possible precautions are taken to protect both Mentors and Mentees.

a) Mentor meetings must take place in public settings (e.g. education establishments, cafes, known to the Mentor);

b) Mentors must use their designated phone/email for contact and not give out any of their personal details;

c) Mentors or Mentees must not put themselves in unsuitable or inappropriate situations and must report to the CEO should any such situation occur;

d) Mentors (and Mentees) should not borrow or loan any money or items and should keep all receipts of authorised expenditure to cover Mentees’ travel expenses, refreshments and where agreed, entrance tickets to an event;

e) Mentors should adhere to the Child Protection Policy on all boundaries including physical contact;

f) Mentors should report regularly to the Project Manager outlining all meetings and venues in advance and submitting written reports after every meeting;

g) Risk assessments for each mentee should include choosing appropriate venues to limit:

  • Risk of violence from the individual or neighbourhood;
  • Distance of meeting place to other venues, presence of public;
  • Access;
  • Time of day, weather, month of year;
  • Mobile black spots.

h) Mentors should report immediately on any concerns to themselves or their mentees as outlined in the confidentiality clause;

i) Defusing a potentially aggressive situation by staying calm, avoiding confrontational body language.


D) GDPR, Data Protection, and Privacy

HMDT Music follows the principles of storing and recording personal information is in line with the Data Protection Act 1998, the Caldicott Principles for health and social care organisations (1997) and guidance from the Information Commissioner’s office (


  1. Personal client information is treated as confidential as compliant with regulations regarding GDPR as outlined in our privacy statement (;
  2. Personal client information must not be shared without the individual’s consent and if they are under 18, parental consent;
  3. In line with the Confidentiality clause it can only be disclosed without consent if there is a perceived risk of harm to or by the young person and must be authorised by HMDT Music CEO;
  4. Personal information might include: contact details, racial/ethnic origin, religious/political beliefs, physical or mental health condition, sexual life, details of offence committed and is on a need to know basis;
  5. Data shall be obtained for specified and lawful purposes and processed as such, should be adequate, relevant and not excessive in relation to purpose, accurate and up to date, processed in accordance with the rights of the person involved. Appropriate technical and organisational measures are taken by HMDT Music against unauthorised or unlawful processing of data and accidental loss, destruction of or damage to personal data.


E) Management Structure

1. Management Structure Chart

The One Spirit Mentoring Programme is governed by the following HMDT Music Management and Reporting Structure:

2. Management Structure reporting and procedures

a) Mentees are assigned to Mentors following residential projects wherein Mentees request the Mentor with whom they have a particular rapport. Inside Feltham, meetings are arranged by the Project Manager and Mentees allocated a time and space by the Project Manager in conjunction with prison authorities;

b) Outside visits are arranged directly by each Mentor who then informs the Project Manager of the visit details: date, time, venue. Mentors submit a report following each visit to the Project Manager and CEO;

c) Any concerns are first addressed with the Project Manager, but Mentors can also contact the CEO directly with any issues. The Project Manager will report everything formally in monthly reports and meetings, and informally via email and phone whenever there are any issues, concerns or feedback to share.

d) Any issues which involve the confidentiality exemptions are immediately brought to the attention of the CEO who will assess and authorise appropriate action to be taken in discussion with appropriate team members.

e) Any complaints also follow this management structure with the highest authority, should it be necessary, being the HMDT Music Board of Trustees.


In the event that staff need to contact HMDT MUSIC:


Tertia Sefton-Green

CEO and Creative Director


Gavin Stewart (Designated Safeguarding Lead)

Senior Manager


Michele Pullan

Chair of Trustees


Office Tel:  020 8882 8825


Charlie Parker

One Spirit Project Manager

Tel: 07850 486 566




For all programmes 

This Appendix provides guidance on how HMDT Music uses the internet and social media, and the procedures for doing so. It also outlines how we expect staff and volunteers who work for/with us, and the students and young people who participate in our programmes, to behave online. The aims of our online safety policy are:

  • to protect all students and young people involved in our programmes and who make use of technology (such as mobile phones, games consoles and the internet) while in our care;
  • to provide tutors, staff and volunteers with policy and procedure information regarding online safety and inform them how to respond to incidents;
  • to ensure our organisation is operating in line with our values and within the law regarding how we behave online.



A) Guidance – Working With Social Media

1. Basic Criteria

As part of using the internet and social media, HMDT Music will:

  • understand the safety aspects – including what is acceptable and unacceptable behaviour for staff and children – when using websites, social media, apps and other forms of digital communication;
  • be aware that this policy applies to ALL devices used for digital interaction;
  • when using social media platforms (including Facebook, Whats App, Twitter and Instagram), ensure that we adhere to relevant legislation and good practice guidelines;
  • regularly review existing safeguarding policies and procedures to ensure that online safeguarding issues are fully integrated, including:
    1. making sure concerns of abuse or disclosures that take place online are written into our reporting procedures;
    2. incorporating online bullying (‘cyberbullying’) in our anti-bullying policy;
  • provide training for the person(s) responsible for managing our organisation’s online presence.


2. Managing our online presence

Our online presence through our website or social media platforms will adhere to the following guidelines:

  • all social media accounts will be password-protected, and at least three members of staff will have access to each account and password;
  • the account will be monitored by a designated person, who will be a Safeguarding Lead or have been appointed by the Safeguarding Lead and/or CEO;
  • a designated supervisor will remove inappropriate posts by anyone, explaining why, and informing anyone who may be affected (as well as the parents of any children involved);
  • account, page and event settings will be set to ‘private’ so that only invited participants can see their content;
  • identifying details such as a child’s home address, school name or telephone number will not be posted on social media platforms;
  • any posts or correspondence will be consistent with our aims;
  • children and young people will be made aware of who manages our social media accounts and who to contact if they have any concerns about the running of the account;
  • parents will be asked to give their approval for us to communicate with their children through social media, or by any other means of communication;
  • parents will need to give permission using our Media Release Form, for photographs
    and videos of their child to be posted on social media.


3. What we expect of staff and volunteers

  • staff should be aware of this policy and behave in accordance with it;
  • staff should seek the advice of the designated safeguarding lead if they have any concerns about the use of the internet or social media;
  • staff should communicate any messages they wish to send out to children and young people to the designated person responsible for the organisation’s online presence;
  • staff should not ‘friend’ or ‘follow’ children or young people from personal accounts on social media;
  • staff should make sure any content posted is accurate and appropriate, as young people may ‘follow’ them on social media;
  • staff WILL NOT communicate with young people via personal accounts or private messages;
  • rather than communicating with parents through personal social media accounts, staff should choose a more formal means of communication, such as face-to-face, in an email or in writing through the HMDT Music office, or use an organisational account, profile or website established for that purpose;
  • at least one other member of HMDT Music staff should be copied in to any emails sent to children or young people;
  • staff should avoid communicating with children or young people via email outside of normal office hours;
  • emails should be signed off in a professional manner, AVOIDING the use of emojis or symbols such as ‘kisses’ (‘X’s);
  • any disclosures of abuse reported through social media should be dealt with in the same way as a face-to-face disclosure, according to our reporting procedures;
  • smartphone users should respect the private lives of others and not take or distribute pictures of other people if it could invade their privacy;
  • staff and young people must not engage in ‘sexting’ or send pictures to anyone that are obscene, indecent or menacing.


4. What we expect of children and young people

  • children and young people should be aware of this online safety policy and agree to its terms;
  • we expect children and young people’s behaviour online to be consistent with the guidelines as set out.


5. Using mobile phones or other digital technology to communicate

When using mobile phones (or other devices) to communicate by voice, video or text (including texting, email and instant messaging), HMDT Music will take the following precautions to ensure young people’s safety:

  • staff will avoid having children’s or young people’s personal mobile numbers and will instead seek contact through the HMDT Music office when/if required;
  • HMDT Music will seek parental permission on each occasion we need to contact children or young people directly; the purpose for each contact will be clearly identified and agreed upon;
  • a method of accountability will be arranged, such as copies of texts also being sent to HMDT Music;
  • staff should have a separate phone from their personal one for any contact with parents or young people if this is ever required, otherwise ALL communication should be through the HMDT Music office;
  • texts and/or MyMusicStaff will be used for communicating information;
  • if a young person misinterprets such communication and tries to engage a staff member in conversation, the member of staff will take the following steps:
    1. end the conversation or stop replying;
    2. suggest discussing the subject further at the next session;
    3. if concerned about the child or young person, provide contact details for the Safeguarding Lead.


6. Using mobile phones during activities

So that all children and young people can enjoy and actively participate in activities, we discourage the use of mobile phones during such activities. As part of this policy we will:

  • make children and young people aware of how and who to contact if there is an emergency or a change to previously agreed arrangements with HMDT Music;
  • inform parents of appropriate times they can contact students and discourage them from attempting contact outside of these times;
  • advise parents that it may not be possible to contact children during activities and provide a contact within HMDT Music who will be reachable should there be an emergency;
  • explain to young people how using mobile phones during activities has an impact on their safe awareness of their environment, and their levels of participation and achievement.


7. Use of other digital devices and programme

The principles in this policy apply no matter what current or future technology is used – including computers, laptops, tablets, web-enabled games consoles and smart TVs – and whether an app, programme or website is used.


If any digital devices are used as part of activities within the organisation:

  • we expect children and young people to adhere to the guidelines surrounding online use and behaviour;
  • we’ll establish appropriate restrictions, more commonly known as ‘parental controls’, on any device provided to prevent misuse or harm.



B) Guidance – Working With Live Online Sessions

Due to the nature of our online services, all tutors, coaches, staff and mentors are required to maintain a strict code of procedure in order to protect students while they are participating with us online. All service providers are required to adhere to ALL of the ABOVE guidance for online safety and in addition:

  • Only use HMDT Music registered accounts, never personal ones;
  • Do not use a system which has not been approved by HMDT Music;
  • Students AND tutors, coaches and staff should use a safe and appropriate place to communicate with no bedrooms or inappropriate objects or information visible;
  • Ensure that ALL links are private and not open to entry from the general public or other third parties;
  • DO NOT turn on streaming devices for students by mistake or otherwise. ONLY join a stream which has been pre-authorised by HMDT Music;
  • NEVER conduct a live stream without HMDT Music being aware;
  • DO NOT use chat features to communicate privately with a member of a group unless this has been pre-arranged with HMDT Music;
  • DO NOT conduct 1-to-1 sessions which are not arranged by HMDT Music;
  • DO NOT record any part or whole of a live session unless authorised by HMDT Music to do so.



APPENDIX IV. Additional Forms of Abuse

In addition to the four main forms of abuse detailed in Section III. E: physical, emotional, sexual and neglect, it’s important to note awareness of other forms including:



APPENDIX V. Recruitment Practice

In order to ensure proper safe-guarding procedures, during our interview process for new staff, candidates must submit an online application form, with 2 references, employment status, and permission to work within the UK. Interviews are conducted by a minimum of 2 (usually 3) members of staff and follow a proforma question and answer marking sheet. Before any hiring references are checked to ensure both qualifications and that there are no safeguarding concerns. Prior to beginning work the candidate must submit a held DBS, or go through a vetting process including DBS certificate with HMDT Music. For volunteers there is an interview without submission of an application form, and a required DBS check.